If we take a person the way he is, we will make him worse. But if we take him the way he should be, we will make him the person he could become. Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe

Corporate Social Responsibility

A company should not only aim at making profit: it is embedded in its environment, surrounding, a specific culture and also a global world. Kairos Consulting gladly takes up its responsibility and makes an effort for shaping the small and the global world a bit for the better.

Strengthening of the Non Profit and Voluntary Work Sector

Non-profit-organisations, civil initiatives and action groups have become a mighty pillar of civil society. Unfortunately, good ideas often lack sufficient financial support. This leads sometimes to unprofessional and short-sighted planning. Kairos Consulting provides know-how: the non profit sector has to apply the rules of the "business world" without foregoing the specific spirit of volunteer engagement and idealism.

Inspiration and Perseverance

Good ideas often run danger of being mayflies or disappear in the "dusty drawer of good intentions". Sometimes they lack practicability or fine-tuning or simply time and perseverance. Kairos Consulting brings all the necesasry components together: creativity, practical knowledge, a functioning office structure and the philosophy of human dignity. Our motto is taken from Thomas Edison: "A genius is made of one percent inspriation and ninety-nine percent perspiration (= effort)"!

Critical Analysis of the Zeitgeist

Our times are dominated by headlines and sentiments.  Very often there is little  focus on well-founded discussion. Sometimes opinions are rejected categorically until public opinion has changed. By means of its projects, Kairos Consulting wants to inspire a tolerant and honest dialogue, influenced by necessities rather than sentiments: because "public opinion" - as Aristotle puts it - "changes like the weather"!


Making Knowledge Available

Our publishing house "Kairos Publications" allows us to offer knowledge which would be disregarded by mainstream publishers for commercial reasons. Social media and modern means of communication allow us to disseminate texts and publications broadly in order to give valuable inputs to many who seek to think a bit further. 

Employee Motivation

Employees contribute a considerable amount of their life time to the company they work for. Payment alone doesn't do justice to the creativity, the commitment and the loyalty of good employees. Kairos Consulting wants to go further: great value is placed on personal identification of employees with the company's projects, the contribution of their own ideas and independent working.

Employee Empowerment and Lifelong Learning

Success is often measured in terms of output only - neglecting the human aspect of the employee: he or she shouls also benefit personally from the work, being able to develop and learn. Therefore employee empowerment and lifelong learning are explicit Kairos goals that have been achieved when the employee says: "It is an exciting job I'm doing and I learn a lot I can use in my life."

Compatibility of Family and Professional Life

The experenice of life of mothers usually does not comply with simplified political slogans. Many women complain about the impossible balancing act, losing themselves in the end. A possible solution is the so-called "phases of life - model" that proposes a consecutive rather than concurrent children and work occupation. Kairos Consulting offers to mothers in their childrens' phase to work from home and by the hour, to stay tuned without compromising their personal and their childrens life.